Service Expectations

We want to let you know we expect you, welcome you, and are glad to have you join us!

  • Before coming:

    • Expect to experience the Love of God in Christ Jesus

    • Expect to be welcomed in a manner that feels like home

    • Expect to be greeted with smiles, helpful direction, and grateful people

    • Expect that you will be encouraged to honor, worship, and reveal God in, with, and through, your entire being

    • Expect that your questions about faith will be welcome

  • Entrance


    • We suggest arriving 15, 20, or 30 minutes ahead of service

    • Feel free to grab some water, coffee, or hot chocolate

    • Spend some time getting familiar with the people gathering and the place where we gather together

  • Sanctuary Narthex:

    • Receive the order of service & any other needed materials, or audio aids, from the ushers

  • Seating:

    • Sit where you like, or have an usher help you find a place to sit

    • Find the prayer requests/praises/visitor card in your seating area

    • Fill out and hand the card to an usher, or drop it in the offering

    • Please read our welcome card you will find in the hymnals in front of you

  • Service:

    • As part of our service, we will pray, sing, bring offerings of praise, share a message, confess, be assured, share joys and laments, and bless each other with God's peace.

    • Some services will offer anointing, baptism, or communion.

  • Post Service:

    • You are welcome and encouraged to greet each other, bless each other, and fellowship together as appropriate

    • You are also encouraged to join us in our children, youth, and adult Discipleship Classes which begin 15 minutes after the end of the service